Who Requires Builder’s Risk Insurance Coverage: Understanding Its Importance

Builder’s risk insurance coverage, also known as course of construction insurance, is a vital component of construction projects. It provides protection against property damage, ensuring the financial interests of various stakeholders are safeguarded.

Builder’s risk insurance is necessary for anyone with a financial interest in the construction project, including property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, lenders, and architects. This insurance policy covers buildings and structures under construction, as well as materials, supplies, and equipment on-site or in transit. It provides coverage for property damage caused by fire, lightning, hail, theft, vandalism, and acts of God.

While builder’s risk insurance is comprehensive, certain risks like earthquakes and floods are generally excluded from coverage. However, extensions can be added to the policy to address specific needs and risks.

The cost of builder’s risk insurance depends on factors such as the construction materials, type of project, and policy details. It is recommended to work with an experienced agent or broker who can customize the policy to meet the project’s needs and review and understand the coverage exclusions.

Overall, builder’s risk insurance plays a critical role in mitigating potential financial losses and ensuring the successful completion of construction projects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Builder’s risk insurance is essential for property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, lenders, and architects involved in construction projects.
  • The policy covers buildings, structures, materials, supplies, and equipment during construction.
  • It provides coverage for property damage caused by fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.
  • Certain risks like earthquakes and floods are typically excluded from coverage, but extensions can be added.
  • The cost of builder’s risk insurance depends on factors such as construction materials and project details.

What Does Builder’s Risk Insurance Cover?

Builder’s risk insurance provides comprehensive coverage for various risks that may occur during a construction project. This insurance policy protects against property damage resulting from incidents such as theft, vandalism, fire damage, water damage, weather damage (including wind, lightning, and hail), and even structural collapse.

The coverage extends beyond just the buildings and structures under construction. It also includes materials, supplies, and equipment that are in transit to the construction site. In the unfortunate event of a loss, builder’s risk insurance also covers debris removal to ensure that the site can be cleared and restored efficiently.

However, it is important to note that certain types of damage may not be covered by builder’s risk insurance. These exclusions typically include wear and tear, acts of terrorism and war, employee theft, rust and corrosion, mechanical breakdowns, and damage caused by faulty design, planning, workmanship, or materials.

Here is a breakdown of the coverage provided by builder’s risk insurance:

Incident Covered by Builder’s Risk Insurance?
Property Damage Yes
Theft Yes
Vandalism Yes
Fire Damage Yes
Water Damage Yes
Weather Damage (Wind, Lightning, Hail) Yes
Structural Collapse Yes
Wear and Tear No
Acts of Terrorism and War No
Employee Theft No
Rust and Corrosion No
Mechanical Breakdowns No
Damage Due to Faulty Design, Planning, Workmanship, or Materials No

Builder’s risk insurance provides peace of mind by offering financial protection against a wide range of potential risks during a construction project. While it covers many perils, it is important to understand the exclusions to ensure that there are no surprises in the event of a loss.

Who Needs Builder’s Risk Coverage?

Builder’s risk insurance is essential for various stakeholders in a construction project. Whether you are a property owner, general contractor, subcontractor, lender, or architect, having builder’s risk coverage protects your financial interests and ensures peace of mind throughout the construction process.

Property owners who invest in construction projects need builder’s risk insurance to safeguard their investment. This insurance coverage provides protection against property damage and other unforeseen events that may occur during construction.

General contractors play a crucial role in overseeing the entire construction process. They are responsible for arranging and managing the various subcontractors involved. Having builder’s risk coverage enables general contractors to mitigate potential risks and liabilities, protecting their financial interests.

Subcontractors, who specialize in specific areas of construction, also benefit from builder’s risk insurance. By having the necessary coverage, subcontractors are protected from the financial consequences of potential property damage or accidents that might occur on the construction site.

Lenders, such as financial institutions or private investors, have a vested interest in ensuring the successful completion of a construction project. Builder’s risk coverage provides them with the necessary protection by mitigating potential financial losses due to damage or other risks associated with the project.

Architects, who design and plan construction projects, also require builder’s risk insurance coverage. This protects them from potential liabilities arising from property damage or accidents during the construction process.

Builder’s risk coverage ensures that all involved parties are adequately protected and that their financial interests are safeguarded. By including all relevant stakeholders as insured parties on the policy, everyone can have peace of mind and focus on the successful completion of the construction project.

What Types of Property Does Builder’s Risk Insurance Cover?

Builder’s risk insurance provides comprehensive coverage for various types of property involved in a construction project. It ensures that all vital components are protected, including buildings, structures, materials, supplies, and equipment.

During the construction phase, the building itself and any structures being erected are covered under the policy. This includes residential and commercial buildings, as well as any ancillary structures such as garages, sheds, or storage facilities.

Furthermore, builder’s risk insurance extends its coverage to include the materials and supplies used on-site. This encompasses raw materials like lumber, steel, and concrete, as well as finished components such as doors, windows, and plumbing fixtures.

Additionally, the policy safeguards the equipment necessary for the construction process. This includes machinery, tools, and vehicles used on-site. Whether it’s heavy machinery like cranes and excavators or hand tools like drills and saws, the policy provides protection against damage or loss.

It’s crucial to note that builder’s risk insurance also covers property that may not be physically located at the construction site. For example, materials and supplies in transit to or from the site are included in the coverage. This ensures that any property involved in the construction project is protected, regardless of its location.

“Builder’s risk insurance provides comprehensive coverage for various types of property involved in a construction project, including buildings, structures, materials, supplies, and equipment.”

This holistic coverage offered by builder’s risk insurance ensures that all aspects of the construction project are safeguarded against potential risks and damages.

Buildings under construction

Property Covered Description
Buildings Residential and commercial structures under construction
Structures Ancillary structures like garages, sheds, or storage facilities
Materials Raw materials used in construction (lumber, steel, concrete)
Supplies Finished components (doors, windows, plumbing fixtures)
Equipment Machinery, tools, and vehicles used on-site
In Transit Property being transported to or from the construction site

This table provides a comprehensive overview of the types of property covered by builder’s risk insurance, ensuring that every crucial component of the construction project is included in the policy.

Additional Coverage and Policy Extensions

Builder’s risk insurance not only provides coverage for property damage during construction projects but also offers additional coverage and policy extensions to address various needs and risks.

Soft Costs: In addition to direct construction expenses, builder’s risk insurance can cover soft costs. Soft costs include expenses that are not directly related to construction, such as lost sales, rental income, additional interest on loans, and real estate taxes.

Policy Extensions: Builder’s risk insurance policies can be customized with extensions to protect specific aspects of the project. These extensions include:

  • Scaffolding: Coverage for scaffolding used in construction projects.
  • Construction Forms: Protection for construction forms and molds.
  • Temporary Structures: Coverage for temporary structures, such as trailers and modular buildings.
  • Debris Removal: Insurance for the removal of debris from the construction site.
  • Pollutant Cleanup: Coverage for the cleanup of pollutants, such as hazardous materials, if necessary.

Each construction project is unique, and the extensions should be tailored to address the specific needs and risks involved. By customizing the policy with these additional coverages and extensions, project owners and contractors can ensure comprehensive protection against a wide range of potential losses.

“Builder’s risk insurance offers additional coverage for soft costs and customizable policy extensions to safeguard construction projects.”

It is important to consult with an experienced insurance agent or broker to determine the most appropriate coverage extensions based on the project’s requirements and potential risks.

Policy Extensions Description
Scaffolding Coverage for scaffolding used in construction projects.
Construction Forms Protection for construction forms and molds.
Temporary Structures Coverage for temporary structures, such as trailers and modular buildings.
Debris Removal Insurance for the removal of debris from the construction site.
Pollutant Cleanup Coverage for the cleanup of pollutants, such as hazardous materials, if necessary.

What Is Excluded from Builder’s Risk Insurance?

While builder’s risk insurance provides coverage for a wide range of risks, there are certain exclusions that limit its coverage. It’s important to be aware of these exclusions to fully understand the extent of your policy’s protection.

Common exclusions from builder’s risk insurance include:

  1. Earthquake
  2. Flood
  3. Wear and Tear
  4. Employee Theft
  5. Rust and Corrosion
  6. Mechanical Breakdowns
  7. Damage Due to Faulty Design, Planning, Workmanship, and Materials

An earthquake or flood can cause significant damage to a construction project, but these natural disasters are typically excluded from standard builder’s risk policies. Similarly, wear and tear, employee theft, rust and corrosion, mechanical breakdowns, and damage caused by faulty design, planning, workmanship, and materials are also excluded.

It’s crucial to review your policy carefully to understand the specific exclusions that may apply. Depending on your project’s needs, you may want to consider adding extensions to address any exclusions that are relevant to your construction project.

Builder’s Risk Insurance Exclusions Example:

“The builder’s risk insurance policy excludes coverage for earthquakes and floods, which means any damage caused by these natural disasters would not be covered. Additionally, wear and tear, employee theft, rust and corrosion, mechanical breakdowns, and damage due to faulty design, planning, workmanship, and materials are also not covered under the policy.”

By being aware of the exclusions and understanding your policy’s coverage, you can make informed decisions to protect your construction project effectively.

Exclusion Explanation
Earthquake Damage caused by earthquakes is typically excluded from builder’s risk insurance policies.
Flood Damage caused by floods is commonly excluded from builder’s risk insurance coverage.
Wear and Tear The natural deterioration of materials over time is not covered by builder’s risk insurance.
Employee Theft Coverage for losses resulting from employee theft is typically excluded.
Rust and Corrosion Damage caused by rust and corrosion is typically not covered by builder’s risk insurance.
Mechanical Breakdowns Builder’s risk insurance generally excludes coverage for mechanical breakdowns.
Damage Due to Faulty Design, Planning, Workmanship, and Materials Issues resulting from faulty design, planning, workmanship, or materials are typically not covered.


How Much Does Builder’s Risk Insurance Cost?

The cost of builder’s risk insurance can vary significantly based on several factors. These include the construction materials, type of project, and specific policy details, such as coverage amounts and limits.

When determining the coverage amounts, it is generally advisable to choose a limit that corresponds to the anticipated cost of construction. Higher-value projects typically result in higher insurance rates, as they involve greater financial exposure.

To obtain an accurate cost estimate for builder’s risk insurance, it is best to consult with an experienced agent or broker who specializes in construction insurance. They can assess the unique needs of your project and provide you with a detailed quote based on the specific coverage requirements.

By carefully considering the construction materials used, the scope of the project, and the coverage details, you can gain a better understanding of the cost implications for builder’s risk insurance and make an informed decision.

Builder's Risk Insurance Cost

Factors Affecting Builder’s Risk Insurance Cost

Factors Impact on Insurance Cost
Construction Materials The type and value of materials used can influence the insurance premium.
Type of Project The complexity, scale, and duration of the project can impact the insurance cost.
Policy Details The coverage limits, deductibles, and policy endorsements can affect the overall cost.
Coverage Amounts Higher coverage amounts may result in higher insurance premiums.
Coverage Limits The maximum amount the insurance company will pay for a covered loss can affect the policy cost.

Finding the Right Builder’s Risk Policy

When it comes to securing the right builder’s risk insurance policy for your construction project, it’s essential to work with an experienced agent or broker who specializes in this specific type of insurance. Their knowledge and expertise will be invaluable in navigating the complexities of builder’s risk coverage and customizing a policy that suits your project’s unique needs.

An experienced agent or broker will take the time to understand your coverage needs, budget, and the specific risks associated with your construction project. They will assess factors such as the type of construction, location, and duration to recommend the most suitable policy options for you.

One of the key benefits of working with an experienced agent or broker is their ability to obtain quotes from different insurance providers. They can compare coverage options and premiums, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the available policies and their cost.

Collaborating with an agent or broker also allows for the customization of your policy. They will tailor the coverage to precisely meet your project’s requirements, including any additional extensions or endorsements that may be necessary. This ensures that you have the appropriate level of protection for your construction project.

It’s important to remember that each construction project is unique, and finding the right builder’s risk policy requires a personalized approach. Working with an experienced agent or broker is the best way to navigate the intricacies of this insurance and secure the coverage you need.

To summarize, when searching for the right builder’s risk insurance policy, turn to an experienced agent or broker who can provide expertise, customize the coverage to your project’s needs, and obtain quotes from different insurers. Their knowledge and guidance will help you make informed decisions and safeguard your construction project from potential risks.

Experienced Agent or Broker

Selecting a Builder’s Risk Insurance Carrier

When it comes to builder’s risk insurance, selecting the right insurance carrier is crucial for protecting your construction project and minimizing potential financial losses. An experienced insurance carrier that specializes in builder’s risk insurance can provide the expertise, coverage, and support necessary to safeguard your investment.

Most insurers offer builder’s risk insurance policies on an inland marine form, which is designed to provide broader coverage tailored to the unique needs of construction projects. This form of insurance ensures that the policy covers a wide range of risks and perils that can occur during construction.

Working with an experienced insurance carrier gives you access to claims specialists who understand builder’s risk and can provide prompt, fair claims service if a loss occurs. Their expertise in handling builder’s risk claims ensures that you receive the coverage and compensation you deserve in a timely manner.

“Selecting an experienced insurance carrier ensures access to claims specialists who understand builder’s risk and can provide prompt, fair claims service if a loss occurs.”

Additionally, some insurance carriers also offer risk engineering teams. These teams are composed of experts who specialize in risk assessment and management for construction projects. They can help identify potential hazards, evaluate risks, and implement strategies to prevent losses during the construction process.

When choosing a builder’s risk insurance carrier, consider factors such as their experience in handling builder’s risk claims, their reputation in the industry, and their ability to provide comprehensive coverage. It’s recommended to research and compare different carriers to find the one that best suits your needs and project requirements.

In summary, selecting an experienced insurance carrier with a strong track record in builder’s risk insurance is essential. Look for carriers that offer comprehensive coverage, have a dedicated claims service team, and provide value-added services such as risk engineering. By partnering with the right carrier, you can have peace of mind knowing that your construction project is protected against unforeseen risks and that you have the support you need in the event of a loss.

Experienced Insurance Carrier

Important Considerations for Builders’ Risk Insurance

When purchasing builder’s risk insurance, it is important to consider several key factors to ensure comprehensive coverage. By reviewing and understanding the policy details, construction project owners and contractors can make informed decisions that align with their specific needs and minimize potential financial risks.

Coverage Begin and End Dates

One crucial aspect to examine is the coverage begin and end dates specified in the policy. Typically, the policy starts on the date when all contracts are signed. However, it is essential to be aware of any specific conditions that may trigger the start of coverage. This ensures that the construction project is protected from the beginning and until its completion.

Ensuing Loss Provision

Another important consideration is the ensuing loss provision within the policy. This provision covers the resulting damage or loss that may occur due to faulty workmanship or materials. By reviewing this provision, project owners and contractors can verify that any potential risks associated with construction inaccuracies are adequately addressed.

Coverage Extensions

Reviewing the policy should also involve assessing the availability of coverage extensions. These extensions allow project owners and contractors to tailor the insurance policy to their specific needs. Examples of coverage extensions may include protection for temporary structures, scaffolding, or debris removal. By incorporating these extensions, potential coverage gaps can be addressed, providing greater peace of mind during the construction process.

Reviewing the Policy

Thoroughly reviewing the policy is essential before finalizing the purchase of builder’s risk insurance. This involves carefully reading the terms and conditions to ensure a clear understanding of the coverage and any exclusions. If any doubts or questions arise, working closely with the insurance agent or broker can help clarify uncertainties and make any necessary adjustments to customize the policy according to the project’s unique requirements.

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By considering these important factors and taking a proactive approach to review and understand the policy, project owners and contractors can confidently secure builder’s risk insurance that aligns with their specific needs. This cautious approach mitigates potential risks, safeguarding the project and minimizing financial losses in the event of any unforeseen events or damages.


Builder’s risk insurance is of utmost importance in the construction industry, providing vital coverage for property damage and ensuring the financial stability of stakeholders involved in construction projects. By recognizing the significance of this insurance and collaborating with experienced agents or brokers, project owners and contractors can obtain the right policy that can be tailored to their specific needs, thereby mitigating risks effectively.

With builder’s risk insurance, construction projects can progress smoothly, safeguarding against unforeseen events and minimizing potential financial losses. It serves as a proactive risk management solution, allowing project stakeholders to focus on the successful completion of construction projects with confidence.

When it comes to risk management, builder’s risk insurance is a necessary tool in protecting construction projects. Its coverage extends to property damage, offering vital security for project owners, contractors, and other involved parties. By understanding the importance of builder’s risk insurance and working closely with industry experts, construction projects can be shielded from potential risks and ensure that the project’s success is not compromised.


Who requires builder’s risk insurance coverage?

Builder’s risk insurance coverage is necessary for anyone with a financial interest in the construction project, including property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, lenders, and architects.

What does builder’s risk insurance cover?

Builder’s risk insurance covers property damage caused by theft, vandalism, fire, water damage, weather damage (such as wind, lightning, and hail), and structural collapse. It also covers materials, supplies, and equipment in transit to the construction site and debris removal in the event of a loss.

Who needs builder’s risk coverage?

Property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, lenders, and architects all require builder’s risk coverage to protect their financial interests in the construction project.

What types of property does builder’s risk insurance cover?

Builder’s risk insurance covers buildings and structures under construction, as well as materials, supplies, and equipment on-site, in transit, or at other locations.

Are there additional coverage options and policy extensions for builder’s risk insurance?

Yes, builder’s risk insurance can be customized with coverage extensions to protect specific aspects of the project, such as scaffolding, construction forms, temporary structures, debris removal, and pollutant cleanup. Additionally, soft costs, including lost sales, rental income, additional interest on loans, and real estate taxes, can be covered.

What is excluded from builder’s risk insurance?

Exclusions from builder’s risk insurance typically include earthquake, flood, wear and tear, employee theft, rust and corrosion, mechanical breakdowns, and damage due to faulty design, planning, workmanship, and materials.

How much does builder’s risk insurance cost?

The cost of builder’s risk insurance depends on factors such as the construction materials, type of project, and policy details, including coverage amounts and limits. To determine the exact cost, it is best to contact an agent or broker for a quote based on the project’s specific needs.

How can I find the right builder’s risk policy?

It is recommended to work with an experienced agent or broker who specializes in builder’s risk insurance. They can help customize the policy to meet the project’s unique needs and obtain quotes from different insurance providers.

What should I consider when selecting a builder’s risk insurance carrier?

When selecting a builder’s risk insurance carrier, it is important to choose an experienced insurer that specializes in this type of coverage. Some carriers offer risk engineering teams to help prevent losses during the construction project and claims specialists who understand builder’s risk.

What are some important considerations for builder’s risk insurance?

When purchasing builder’s risk insurance, it is important to review the policy for coverage begin and end dates, the ensuing loss provision, and any coverage extensions needed. It is recommended to read the policy thoroughly and work with the agent or broker to clarify any doubts or make necessary adjustments.


Builder’s risk insurance is crucial in safeguarding construction projects and protecting the financial interests of stakeholders. By understanding the importance of builder’s risk insurance and working closely with an experienced agent or broker, project owners and contractors can find the right policy and customize the coverage to meet their specific needs.

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